5th May 2015
The 5th morning of the 5th day on the island was the same until breakfast. When we were drinking our coconut juice and eating some mangos, we heard some information in the table in front of us saying something about "Cheeta´s Rock", a famous safari near Stone Town. We hadn´t planned any activity actually, so we decided to sing in on that interesting activity. I mean, everyone that travels to Africa does a safari, it´s vital, isn´t it?
So, at 10 am, we left the hotel and we went directly to the bus station were we asked for that safari. A man standing there told us that we had to participate in that safari if we bought the entrance on the internet. We did that. We searched for this page using the wiFi of the station (because no one in the town used it) and we bought the tickets for 10.40 am. http://www.cheetahsrock.org/
The tickets costed $140 per person, and we arrived to the safari at 12 pm. The first animal we saw a family of gorillas. They all were coming slowly towards us, so we went to see another species.
Next, we saw a lemur, and 3 pumas, they were all doing nothing but anyway, they were curious. Also, we saw some elephants and a lion hunting some buffalos.

After that show, we were watching at the meerkats, one of them came next to me. The people close to us were laughing about that situation, but so do I. The animal started smelling me, it looked at me as a little cat, and I gave to it a walnut and it left us while he was eating that. So lovely!
In the evening, when we arrived to the city (5pm) we decided to go to a spa resort there, so we chose the "Sea Cliff Resort" because before going to Tanzania, we searched it on Google and it was the best one on the island. We entered the SHWARI spa and we spent all our evening until dinner time enjoying the paceful massages and chinese music. It was marvelous!
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